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Yes'o is a cutting-edge supervision and co-parenting app coming soon...

Hey there, thanks for stopping by, our Yes'o app isn't officially up and running yet.

We're working very hard, putting in a lot of effort to make sure it's the best it can be because we know it'll be a huge difference and help to children of all ages, mums, and dads going through tough times.

While you are here, Let me, tell you a bit about our app . Yes'o was created based on real-life experiences and challenges with direct and indirect contact with children and families. It all started with a parent looking for a way to navigate the difficulties of divorce and reconnect with their children. While we know technology can't fix everything, our goal with the app is to provide support where it's needed most. We wanted to create a tools that could ease emotional strain, bring clarity, and strengthen the bond between parents and kids, especially in situations where contact is limited.

Yes'o is all about improving supervised interactions with children, whether it's direct or indrect connect. It also helps with communication for kids who might be hesitant to meet in person or parents that youwant stay in touch with them without invading anyone personal space . You don't have to worry about texting, messaging, or calling and feeling awkward or unsure about what to say. Yeo eliminate this anxious feeling and promote a healthy environment, whether with or without supervision..

Based on our own experiences and the heartbreaking stories we've heard from families, we truly believe that Yes'o will make a positive impact . It's more than just an app; it's about supporting our children and staying connected in meaningful ways . with out having to text, message or have dry conversations. The app enables you to engage in a completely unique way, offering a secure environment for everyone.

As we continue to work on the app, we'd love to hear your story. Feel free to reach out.

Thanks for checking us out.

Yes'o Team
